About Siobhan

Training & Qualifications

I have always been interested in learning why animals do what they do,  especially dogs.  In 2009 I made the decision to return to full time education as  a mature student to gain a BSc in Animal Behaviour from The University  of Exeter, I graduated in the summer of 2013 with a 2:1.   I thoroughly enjoyed my degree, especially the modules concerning cognition and learning.  Unlike  many other animal behaviour degrees, which are held as part of the biology  department,  the degree at Exeter was held as part of the psychology  department. This meant that the degree focused primarily on the psychology of  animal behaviour rather than the biology. I trained as a groomer in 2002 and ran K9 Cutz in Exmouth, Devon for 10  years.  K9 Cutz ceased trading in December 2012 allowing me to not only  focus on my final semester of my BSc, but also in preparation for our relocation  to Wales.  During my time in Exmouth I specialised in working with nervous and  fearful dogs all of which I am happy to say settled into regular appointments  with me.   S.I.T is fully insured through Pet Business Direct

My Mission

I am passionate about helping to support positive changes within the canine  training and behaviour industry and it is my personal mission to help educate the  general public about force-free positive training methods.  Sadly many  ‘professionals’ still employ the use of out-dated methods and techniques which  effectively use force and aversive treatment to get a dog to behave in a specific way.    Many of these ‘professionals’ base their methods on the principles of  ‘pack  leadership’ and ‘dominance’, however, these principles are pure myth as the  domestic dog does not form packs. I believe in building a positive working relationship between dog and human and  teaching you both to work together as a team.   My pleasure comes from witnessing  a dog which wants to work for and interact with their owner and nothing makes me  smile more than when I see a dog and owner connect for the first time.    I also don’t believe in ‘trade secrets’ and it is my goal to share my knowledge and  understanding with as wide as audience as possible.  I would like to see every  human and every dog not only working together as a partnership but also building a  life long positive relationship.  There is nothing more rewarding than developing a  genuine connection between human and dog, were both parties fully understand  what they expect from the other.  I believe in keeping my prices as low as possible to help ensure my service is  affordable to everyone.  I do this job as I am passionate about dogs, as well as, the  relationship between dog and owner and believe that everyone should be able to  afford professional help should things go wrong.   


From a young age animals have always played a central role in my life, from  volunteering in the animal lab at my school, to spending all my pocket money on food  for the feral cats which lived close by.  Over the years I have arrived home with all  sorts of animals which needed help from stray cats, abandoned rabbits and even an  injured woodpecker.  But the one thing I wanted all my life was a dog and in 2002 Jaz  came into my life. I fell in love with Staffords while volunteering at Heaven’s Gate, a NAWT centre on  the outskirts Langport in Somerset.  I loved their happy-go-lucky attitudes and their  bouncy and playful nature but I had to wait another five years before I was in the  position to become a dog owner myself.  Not long after Jaz arrived, Jay followed.   Jay was a dog in a million and everyone who met him was instantly enchanted by  him.  Sadly my beautiful boy never made it to Wales with us and we had to say  goodbye to him in June 2013 due to spinal issues.  He will never be forgotten and he  can never be replaced.  Sadly in recent times the Stafford has been chosen by a  minority as a ‘status dog’ and as a result this wonderful breed as suffered as a result  of their actions.  While the Stafford may not be a suitable breed for everyone when  raised as a dog and not as a ‘status symbol’ the Stafford will be your truest and most  loyal friend.  I do not support breed specific legalisation, I support responsible  ownership of all dogs regardless of breed.   I became involved with agility when I realised that Jaz needed a job.  I began by  attending local classes in Exmouth and slowly but surely my passion for the sport  grew, until I was renting a field and owned a full set of equipment.    Beside my love for dogs I also have a a number of other animals which have found  their way to me for one reason or another.  
Copyright of S.I.T Canine Training 2014

Force Free Positive Reward Training

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