For dogs and owners whichwould find a group setting todistressing. These sessionsalso focus heavily on teachingowners about canine behaviourand training giving you theknowledge you need to become the trainer.
Private Agility Training
Available on a weatherdependent basis at my ownpremises just on the outskirts of Eglwyswrw. Suitable for alllevels and abilities withsessions based around yourneeds.
If you have suitable premisesand a number of friendswishing to take part in a groupsession then my rent-a-trainerservice is perfect for you. I cancome to you and offer any ofthe courses or sessions listedin the training section of thewebsite. This service isavailable for regular bookings,including Saturdays.
Have-a-go Agility
Have a go agility makes anexcellent attraction at dogshows, fates and charityevents. It is also a great way toget people started at the sport. I offer everything you need tohold have-a-go agility at yourevent.
Display Team - Coming
The S.I.T Canine Display Teamwill soon be up and running. We are able to come to yourevent and demonstrate agility,obedience, freestyle and tricks. We have all sorts of breedstaking part showing that anydog can be a star.
Canine Behaviour &
Psychology - Coming
This is a theory based coursedesigned to teach dog ownersabout the basic principles ofcanine behaviour and psychology.The course is split into 6 1 hourlectures and ran over a 6 weekperiod. This course is perfect foranyone wishing to understandwhy dogs do what they do andhow we can go about successfullytraining them.