Suitable for....Dog ShowsFatesCharity EventsA small area of grass is required to set up the course otherwise S.I.T Canine Training provides everything else.
PricesThe cost of this service varies in relationto the type of event you are holding andwhether or not you wish to charge forparticipation. Discounted rates are alsoavailable to charity events. For more information on this serviceplease contact me.
Have-a-go agility is a popular attraction at dogshows and other family events. I can providethe basic equipment of jumps, hoop, tunnels,wobble board and small contact trainer so youcan hold have-a-go agility at your event. I willalso be on hand to help people and dogscomplete the small course.
Fun Force Free Positive Reward Have-a-go-Agility service by S.I.T Canine Training