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Force Free Positive Reward Based Training

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What is Force Free Positive Reward Training

Force free positive reward training refers to training methods which employ the use of techniques which  encourage a dog to think for themselves and learn desired behaviours which are rewarded with food,  toys and/or praise.  Force free positive reward training does not involve punishing or forcing a dog to  behave in a given way. Does Force Free Positive Reward Training Work?  Yes! And it is the most effective way to train all dogs to reliably perform any number of behaviours.   Scientific research into animal learning shows us that by using positive reinforcement we are more likely  to teach a reliable behaviour, as the animal in question is more likely to repeat a behaviour which results  in a positive outcome.  When we use punishment the animal’s first desire is to find a way to escape  punishment and if this is unachievable the animal will enter into a state of learned helplessness.  When  we use force free positive reward training we create a dog which is willing to interact with people and is  eager to learn new behaviours.  Other Benefits of Force Free Positive Reward Training Employing force free positive reward training methods also stimulate our dogs to use their brains, it gives  them a mental work out.  Stimulating our dogs mentally is just as important and providing plenty of  physical exercise – many behavioural problems are the result of a lack of either mental or physical  exercise or both!  When we engage our dogs in a force free positive reward training session we are  asking our dogs to think about their behaviour and discover the desired behaviour which leads to a  reward.  We can help to guide our dogs into performing the correct behaviour (lure training) or we can  use clicker training in its purest form where the dog has to discover the correct behaviour for themselves. Not only does force free positive reward based training increase a dog’s willingness to learn it is also the  fastest way to create new behaviours.  In a positive state of mind a dog is more willing to engage in  training and genuinely wants to perform in order to gain a reward.  This means we will increase the speed of learning as the dog is trying to figure out how to gain the reward rather than how to avoid punishment.   Force free positive reward training also helps to establish and maintain a positive relationship between  human and dog.  A dog which views humans, and most importantly their owner, as a source of positivity  is a dog which is more likely to pay attention to the owner and as a result behave better than a dog which  views an owner as a source of negativity. Tried Force Free Positive Reward Training with no Success?  If you have tried force free positive reward training in the past but did not get the results you expected  then three basic principles have potentially been missed.  Firstly your reward value could be too low,  using your dog’s kibble from their breakfast is just not going to cut it for most dogs.  You need to use high value treats such a liver cake or pieces of cooked sausage or chicken.  Secondly you have may have  missed out on the basic levels of training and made the task too hard for your dog.  Before teaching any  behaviours the relationship between dog and owner needs to be established and your dog needs to learn the ‘rules to the game’.  Lastly the emotional state of the trainer has a massive part to play when it comes  to successful training, if we become stressed, frustrated, anxious or angry during a training session this  will negatively impact on our dogs willingness and ability to learn new behaviours.  Training sessions  should always be fun for both dog and owner.   Still not convinced?  Then why not come along to one of my training sessions and see for yourself the benefits of force  free positive reward based training.