Agility is a great way to exerciseyour dog both mentally andphysically and also helps toincrease the bond between dogand owner. All S.I.T agilitytraining is designed to teach bothdog and owner how tosuccessfully navigate and handleobstacles and courses so yougain the most out of training. These courses will also give you afirm grounding if you wanted tostart competing.
Obedience & Life Skills
These courses make a greatfoundation for every dog andowner, whether you have a youngpuppy or just adopted a rescuedog. The course focuses oncreating a positive workingrelationship between dog andowner and teaching dogs thattheir owners are a valuableresource. During the course dogswill learn basic behaviours suchas sit, lie down, and stay, hand-touch recall, send away, andwalking to heal.
Teach your dog to dance! Thiscourse introduces dog and ownerto canine freestyle. Dogs willneed to have a basic level ofobedience to take part and beable to work off lead around otherdogs. The course helps todevelop your dogs obedience aswell as teaching them somethingfun. By the end of the course youwill have learnt enough toperform a short routine to music.
Clicker Training
An introduction to clicker trainingand its uses within dog training. This course teaches both dog andowner how to successfully markand shape behaviours using aclicker (or a key word), Duringthe course you will teach your doga number of new behavioursusing the clicker making this avaluable foundation course to theFreestyle and Tricks courses.
A fun course designed to teachyour dog a number of populartricks and give you thefoundations needed to continueteaching new tricks. Dogs willneed a basic level or obedienceand be able to work around otherdogs off lead to take part. Dogsand owners will also need a basicunderstanding of marking andshaping behaviours.
Rally Obedience
Rally is a fun way to increase yourdog’s obedience. Rally obedienceis set up as a numbered course ofsigns. The signs direct thehandler and dog team to performbehaviours, such as sit, or to turnleft or right. Dogs will need abasic level of obedience to takepart in these classes and thebeginners obedience course is agreat foundation giving youenough knowledge to start rally.