Copyright of S.I.T Canine Training 2014

S.I.T Canine Training Courses and Classes

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Agility is a great way to exercise  your dog both mentally and  physically and also helps to  increase the bond between dog  and owner.  All S.I.T agility  training is designed to teach both  dog and owner how to  successfully navigate and handle  obstacles and courses so you  gain the most out of training.   These courses will also give you a  firm grounding if you wanted to  start competing.

Obedience & Life Skills

These courses make a great  foundation for every dog and  owner, whether you have a young  puppy or just adopted a rescue  dog.  The course focuses on  creating a positive working  relationship between dog and  owner and teaching dogs that  their owners are a valuable  resource.  During the course dogs  will learn basic behaviours such  as sit, lie down, and stay, hand-  touch recall, send away, and  walking to heal.  


Teach your dog to dance! This  course introduces dog and owner  to canine freestyle.  Dogs will  need to have a basic level of  obedience to take part and be  able to work off lead around other  dogs.  The course helps to  develop your dogs obedience as  well as teaching them something  fun.  By the end of the course you  will have learnt enough to  perform a short routine to music.   

Clicker Training

An introduction to clicker training  and its uses within dog training.   This course teaches both dog and  owner how to successfully mark  and shape behaviours using a  clicker (or a key word),   During  the course you will teach your dog  a number of new behaviours  using the clicker making this a  valuable foundation course to the  Freestyle and Tricks courses.  
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A fun course designed to teach  your dog a number of popular  tricks and give you the  foundations needed to continue  teaching new tricks.  Dogs will  need a basic level or obedience  and be able to work around other  dogs off lead to take part.  Dogs  and owners will also need a basic  understanding of marking and  shaping behaviours.     
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Rally Obedience

Rally is a fun way to increase your  dog’s obedience. Rally obedience  is set up as a numbered course of  signs.  The signs direct the  handler and dog team to perform  behaviours, such as sit, or to turn  left or right.  Dogs will need a  basic level of obedience to take  part in these classes and the  beginners obedience course is a  great foundation giving you  enough knowledge to start rally.   
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