Dogs will need to have a basic level ofobedience training, knowing how tosit, lie down and stay. They will alsohave to be able to work off leadaround other dogs while stayingfocused on the owner and have abasic understanding of positive reward training and/or clicker training. Bookings taken from 1st March 2015
Foundation CoursesBeginners obedience and/or clickertraining courses make an excellentfoundation for the freestyle course. During these courses your dog will learnto focus on to you and have a basicgrounding in positive reward trainingallowing both dog and owner to get themost out of the freestyle course.
Held at Starlight Riding Centre, Newcastle Emlyn, SA38 9RL
Training is held in the indoor riding school at Starlight, meaning that we can train no matter the weather. You’ve seen dancing dogs on the telly and now it is your chance to teachyour dog to dance. This course teaches dog and owner basic freestylemoves and during the course put together a small routine set to music. Thefocus of this course is to have fun with your dog teaching them some funbehaviours to wow your friends and family.
Fun Force Free Positive Reward Freestyle Trainingby S.I.T Canine Training