This course is open to be adult dogsand puppies at any level of obedience. Absolutely no previous experience ofany form of training is required to take part. Next Course: 6pm - 7pm Saturday13th June ‘15 - 4th July ‘15
Foundation CourseThis course makes an excellentfoundation course to both the freestylecourse and the tricks course, bringingdog and owner up to the required level.
Held at Starlight Riding Centre, Newcastle Emlyn, SA38 9RL
Training is held in the indoor riding school at Starlight, meaning that we can train no matter the weather. Clickers are a great way to teach dogs complex behaviours such as tricksand freestyle. This course teaches dogs and owners the basic principles ofclicker training, how and why it works and how to correctly mark and shapebehaviours using the clicker. Once your dog has learnt the basics the sky isliterally the limit on what you can teach.
Fun Force Free Positive Reward Clicker Trainingby S.I.T Canine Training