Dogs will need to have a basic level ofobedience training as well as anunderstanding of shaping and marking behaviours to take part. Dogs will alsohave to be able to work off leadaround other dogs.
Foundation CourseIf your dog is not quite ready for the thiscourse then why not enrol on the nextclicker training course which will give youand your dog the basic foundationsrequired to take part.
Held at Starlight Riding Centre, Newcastle Emlyn, SA38 9RL
Training is held in the indoor riding school at Starlight, meaning that we can train no matter the weather. This course is designed to have some fun with your dog. During the courseyou will be taught a number of basic tricks and gain the knowledge requiredto continue training more complex tricks in the future.
Fun Force Free Positive Reward Trick Trainingby S.I.T Canine Training