6pm-7pm Saturday 10th Jan ‘15 - 14th Feb ‘156pm-7pm Saturday 2nd May ‘15 - 6th June ‘15
Foundation CourseIf your dog is not quite ready forthese classes then why not enrolon the next beginners obediencecourse which will teach both dogand owner the basic behavioursrequired for rally.
Held at Starlight Riding Centre, Newcastle Emlyn, SA38 9RL
Training is held in the indoor riding school at Starlight, meaning that we can train no matter the weather. These classes are designed to increase obedience levels while having funwith your dog in a constructive way. Rally-O is a relatively new canine sportwhich incorporates elements of obedience training into a course consistingof 10 - 17 exercise signs. Owners and dogs complete each exercise beforemoving on to the next sign.
Fun Force Free Positive Reward Rally-O Trainingby S.I.T Canine Training