6pm-6:45pm Sunday 8th February’15 - 15th March ‘15
Beginners Agility (8 week course)
6pm - 7pm Sunday 30th November ‘14 - 1st February ‘15 (not running on 21st & 28th Dec)
Novice Agility (6 week course)
6pm-6:45pm Sunday 22nd March ‘15 - 26th April ‘15 6pm - 6:45pm Sunday 28th June ‘15 - 2nd August ‘15
Beginners Agility (8 week course)
6pm - 7pm Sunday 3rd May ‘15 - 21st June ‘15Experienced AgilityAvailable to club members only, every Sunday at 7pm-8:30pm
Intensive Sessions
Held on Saturdays
Date and Time of next session TBCThree hour intensive agility session designed for those wishing to take their training further and those looking to compete. Sessions include walking the course, handling specific areas of the course and then running the course.
Held at Starlight Riding Centre, Newcastle Emlyn, SA38 9RL
Training is held in the indoor riding school at Starlight, meaning that we can train no matter the weather!No matter whether you just want to have fun with your dog or go on tocompete at agility everyone is taught as if they had aspirations to qualify forCrufts. To get the most out of agility both dog and owner need to besuccessfully taught how to complete all obstacles and how to navigate andhandle a course. S.I.T prides itself on the friendly and sociable environmentof all classes with the primary focus placed on having fun with your dog.
Fun Force Free Positive Reward Agility Trainingby S.I.T Canine Training