Fun force free positive reward training focusing on creating a positive working relationship between dog & owner.
Club MembershipClub membership entitlesyou to discounts on all S.I.Tcourses, classes andservices as well as adiscount on all shop itemswhen collected in person.You also get priority accessto information on newcourses two weeks beforerelease to the generalpublic.Access to S.I.T’s privatemembers only facebookpage featuring videos andhelpful training tips. Thispage also allows you topost questions in relation toany aspect of S.I.T courses. Invitations to social events,club parties and practiceagility shows, as well as,the opportunity to become amember of the S.I.T CanineDisplay Team.Club Membership is charged at £10.00 a year.
New Courses Starting
Beginners Obedience - Saturday 10th January ‘15Beginners Rally-O - Saturday 10th January ‘15Clicker Training -Saturday 21st February ‘15Puppy Course - Saturday 21st February ‘15Limited Spaces on all courses